Governor Rell: Gov. Rell: $2 Million to Treat Vets Suffering from Trauma Disorders M. Jodi Rell Archived Website Governor Rell: Gov. Rell: $2 Million to Treat Vets Suffering from Trauma Disorders

Seal of the State of Connecticut


M. Jodi Rell

November 10, 2008

Governor Rell: $2 Million Available to Treat

Veterans Suffering from Trauma Disorders



            Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the state has received $2 million in federal funds to help veterans suffering from trauma-related disorders obtain treatment through a new community-based program.


          The five-year program, administered by the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, is designed to divert veterans who have committed minor crimes from jail to community services. The agency reports that the stresses of combat place some veterans at higher risk for involvement in the criminal justice system when they return home.


          “We must recognize that the sacrifices our veterans make every day to protect our freedoms can take their toll both physically and emotionally,” Governor Rell said. “As we honor them on Veterans Day, it is important that these brave men and women can count on our support to help put their lives back together. This innovative program offers tremendous assistance.”


The program will be implemented at the Southeastern Mental Health Authority, a DMHAS-operated facility serving the Norwich area and will build upon existing Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Teams. Using the grant funds, SMHA will screen, divert whenever possible and treat veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


 “Some veterans who commit minor crimes that are the direct result of traumatic wartime experiences, need treatment, not incarceration,” said DMHAS Commissioner Thomas A. Kirk Jr.  “As they recover, this program will help them improve their lives, enhance the quality of life for everyone in the community and reduce demand on the correctional system.” 


The Connecticut Diversion and Trauma Recovery Program for Veterans is a partnership among the Departments of Mental Health and Addiction Service (DMHAS), Veteran Affairs (DVA), Correction (DOC), Social Services (DSS), and the Judicial Branch, and the Veteran Connecticut Healthcare System. The grant funds were awarded by the federal Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS).

Content Last Modified on 11/10/2008 9:48:10 AM