Governor Rell: Governor Rell Issues Veterans Day Proclamation
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M. Jodi Rell

November 10, 2008

Governor Rell Issues Veterans Day Proclamation


By Her Excellency M. JODI RELL, Governor: a PROCLAMATION


The citizens of our country are justly proud of the men and women who have fought to defend the principles of liberty and freedom on which our nation was founded.


From the Revolutionary-era militias through today’s sophisticated defense structure, American service members have defended our country in times of challenge, brought honor to the United States and created a solid foundation for its continued security, growth and prosperity.


Despite the tremendous perils and pressures of wartime, our Armed Forces have defended the country with conviction and courage.  In admiration of the strength of our convictions, other nations have looked to America for leadership.  Our allies have always been secure in the knowledge that our proud country will not allow its principles and beliefs to be compromised.


The citizens of the United States will forever owe an immense debt of gratitude to our veterans for the sacrifices they have made to secure the safety of our country.


As an expression of that gratitude, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law an act calling for the observance of Veterans Day on November 11th of each year.  That date was originally designated in 1921 as Armistice Day in remembrance of the end of World War I, and as a perpetual reminder of the blessings of peace.  However, by 1954, the observance widened to honor the courageous veterans of all foreign conflicts.


Our veterans reflect the preeminent qualities of patriotism and courage in all of us, and they continue to make countless contributions to military and civilian life.  In addition, many men and women from the Connecticut National Guard are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, or are scheduled to be deployed there shortly, along with many other Connecticut residents serving with the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. 


To honor the principles that motivate their many contributions and accomplishments and those of all of our veterans, and in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Connecticut, I am proud to proclaim November 11, 2008, to be




in the State of Connecticut.  I urge that the American Flag be displayed on our public buildings and homes on this day, that attention in our schools be directed to the selfless deeds of our veterans throughout the week, and that communities throughout Connecticut observe this day with appropriate commemorative exercises.


Content Last Modified on 11/10/2008 3:56:44 PM

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